

time to start training in earnest - real time on the bike outdoors. gianni and i headed out to BHP for some laps and it was fine despite the predicted forecast. as we were doing laps we discussed a more concerted, possibly group effort to the training. the idea we came up with was a tuesday, thursday, sunday schedule for now: tuesday, meet at assinaboine park for intervals and sprints; thursday leave from the shop for a more casual spin; sundays at BHP or other location for longer distance rides. this could be the spring schedule until more formal things begin out the club.


Anonymous said...

So... every time you start talking about training it snows... even when you went down south.

This is a sign.... NO TRAINING FOR HAL!

That is all.

Unknown said...

.....can I suggest we move the 'sprint' fun and frivolity to a sunday morning sched?

i'd be happy to do it. later in the am though. you kids gotta get outta bed early. sprints are best done early, before the barometric pressure gets too high.