
theory and reality

with yesterday's temps rising to the happy side of zero, tim kevin, and i thought it would be a good idea to do a little spring classics training and hit the gravel roads for a ride. the theory was that the roads would still be frozen and we'd get a little gravel road ride in. the reality is we got muddy, kevin spun his deraillieur and we learned something about the sun, thawing and dirt/gravel roads. all in all tim and i got 25-30 kms in.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad they use "Real" gravel out here! That stuff is mudd. And the water has no where to go... need some grades. Soon we will all be riding without the weather troubles... I hope. This winter has been awful.

PaddyH said...

congratulations on getting to play outside and not get frost bite...

PaddyH said...

oh yeah...'rode in knickers and a vest here yesterday, the roads are all clear, just waiting on the coolees...and it's full on winter an hr West, if ya wanna try another training camp road trip Hal, head West

Coach Dave said...

Ditto. However in my case I was looking for the mud. I figure go for it. We almost never get any in mb, or it is so thick you can’t move 10-inches. This was just plain old tough work slogging at 40rpm for 3-hours.

Cross bikes are only happy in the mud!