
wednesday morning cross training

who ever thought that running cross training rides the morning after a fgbc tuesday night ride was a good idea may need to reconsider their decision making abilities.

(does this look like it is going to lead to high levels of participation for cross training?)

by the time i got to bed it was 1:00 am, and the thought of getting up at 6:30 to be at omand's creek park at 7:00 sat about as well as the sometimes skanky beer that is served at the f-n-h. regardless, i rolled out of bed with the encouraging words of mrs. dr. trailing behind me ("are you nuts?"), and got into cycling gear. half of my motivation for getting out of bed was that this was going to be good for me, the other half was avoiding the ridicule of the others if i did not show. when i showed up, only deanna and scott were there. with scott still on the mend, deanna and ran hills, did laps, and practiced our cross dismounts and mounts. after 45 minutes we were done. we headed home feeling good about the training, and for me, an added sense of moral superiority that i showed up (soon to be dispelled i am sure)

running laps up and down the hill

this time with the bike


PaddyH said...

ha, I thought I'd show up but yesterdays's windy drive home left me w/a hangover....good idea on those rides though, at least you know who's serious this year....nice top 10 at xc8 btw

PaddyH said...

oh ya, link me biatch!

The Dark Lord said...

we are exactly what we are.

team jonny said...

i was exactly what i was and that was tired.

i did think of you when i rolled out of bed at 8 though. i was somewhat surprised that i didn't get a 6:30 wakeup call. good on ya champ, i'll try extra hard for next week.

PaddyH said...

and furthermore, what's that brew in front of the concussed Bogdan in that pic, it wouldn't be a fort garry dark now would it???

halloewen said...

had to dig deep in the files to find a picture of us at the f-n-h; that picture would be back in the day when the poosher drank that swilly stuff